
Showing posts from December, 2015

Energy Conservation

We know energy is always conserved and momentum is always conserved so how is it that there can be a difference in an inelastic collision? It comes down to the fact that momentum is a vector and energy is a scalar . Imagine for a moment there is a "low energy" ball traveling to the right. The individual molecules in that ball all have some energy and momentum associated with them. The momentum of this ball is the sum of the momentum vectors of each molecule in the ball. The net sum is a momentum pointing to the right. You can see the molecules in the ball are all relatively low energy because they have a short tail. As you can see, each molecule now has a different momentum and energy but the sum of all of all of their momentums is still the same value to the right. Even if the individual moment of every molecule in the ball is increased in the collision, the net sum of all of their momentum vectors doesn't have to increase. Because energy isn&#

Dual Nature of Light

A. Light has a dual nature     1.Sometimes it behaves like a particle (called a photon), which explains how light travels in straight lines     2.  Sometimes it behaves like a wave, which explains how light bends (or diffracts) around an object     3.  Scientists accept the evidence that supports this dual nature of light B.  Quantum Theory     1.  Light is thought to consist of tiny bits of energy that behave like particles called photons          a.  Particles explain how light travels in straight lines or reflects off of mirrors Electromagnetic radiation     1.  Light is a form of energy called electromagnetic energy         a.  Other types of electromagnetic energy include radio, microwave, heat (infrared), ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray & gamma ray radiation     2.  Electromagnetic energy travels in waves     3.  The waves are different from each other in their lengths – called wavelength         a.  Wavelength is the distanc