
Showing posts from October, 2016

Mathematics of Physics Questions

Questions to Try Q1. TWO particles, 1 and 2 move with constant velocities v1 and v2 along two mutually perpendicular straight lines towards the intersection point O. At the moment t= 0 the particles were located at the distance L1 and L2 from the point O How soon will the distance between the particles become the smallest? What is it equal to? Q2. A police Jeep Approaching a Right Angeled intersection from the north is chasing a. speeding car that has turned the corner and is now moving straight east When the jeep is 0.6 km north of the intersection and the ear is 0.8 km to the east the police determine with radar that the distance between them and the car is increasing at 20 KMPH . If the , Jeep is moving at 60 kmph at the instant of measurement.what is the speed of the car? Q3. You are given a rod of length L The linear mass density is A. such that A = a + bx Here a and b are constants and the mass of the rod increases as x decreases Find the mass of the rod. Q4. If the sum of