Complex Vector addition

What if the angle of inclination between the vectors in 90 degrees.

You are aware of your favorite 

This will help you.

Let's take an Example.
Bholu starts walking towards north and walks 11 km stops takes a right turn and starts walking towards East and walks for another 11 km

The result (or resultant) of walking 11 km north and 11 km east is a vector directed northeast as shown in the diagram to the right. Since the northward displacement and the eastward displacement are at right angles to each other, the Pythagorean theorem can be used to determine the resultant (i.e., the hypotenuse of the right triangle).
1. Vector rule says you can displace the vector so while doing so we choose the 2nd vector (Eastward) . You can choose 1st as well.
2. Make sure that you Join tail of one vector with head of another ( Like a nut bolt pair forms a couple )
3. After doing so we see a right angled triangle formation its Hypotanus will give us the resultant vector direction.
4. Being a vector quantity be careful with directions, it will begin with your 1st vector's tail to 2nd vector's head.

After finding the direction as northeast we also need the inclination angle of resultant vector with either of these vectors, which can be easily done by trigonometry.

As you are familiar with tan, cos and sin functions.
Above question says theta is 45 degrees.

I can say resultant is inclined at 45 degrees from 1st vector as well as 2nd vector.

**PS : This method is not applicable for adding more than two vectors or those vectors which are not perpendicular to each other.


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