Parabola graph 2

We all are very well aware about the frequently used Parabolic equations :
  1. y^2 = 4ax
  2. y^2 = -4ax
  3. x^2 = 4ay
  4. x^2 = -4ay
Firstly As we can see the equation satisfies Origin (0,0) . So the graph will pass through Origin.
Secondly the term y^2 shows that no matter whatever values of y you keep the value of x is going to be positive. So graph will be 1st one.
 2nd graph when you multiply the 1st graph's equation with negative results into opposite one.
(PS :- critics to every good things are negative )**

3rd Graph :- Equation shows that no matter whatever values of x we keep, y will be always positive.
as we discussed above.
( ART:- you can also check symmetry y^2 graphs are symmetric about x and vice versa until and unless it gets complicated)

4th graph :- On multiplication of negative graph get's reversed.


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